12 Mind-Blowing Things You Didn't Know About The Bioshock Series

9. The Little Sisters Original Designs Were... Inventive, To Say The Least

bioshock gatherer

Not quite so loveable or empathetic as the humanoid versions we ended up with, I'm sure you'll agree.

Yes, in the original sketches for Rapture's Little Sisters, they appeared more as slug-like creatures, simply because it was easier to be comfortable harvesting them for ADAM. In fact, they weren't even called 'Little Sisters', instead being labelled 'Gatherers' and going through a number of redesigns including dogs in wheelchairs and - literally, this was their working title - the "Frog with a funnel in its anus."

Think that's a bit much? Check out the sketches below...

bioshock gatherers
bioshock frog

As development continued, it was clear the idea of harvesting these creatures should have more weight and purpose, so gradually the idea turned into coming face to face with another human - or rather, a tiny, innocent girl; the now-renamed, Little Sisters.

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