12 Mind-Blowing Things You Didn't Know About The Bioshock Series

8. A Space Station, Tribal Island & Underwater Nazi Base Were Considered Before Rapture

System Shock 2
Irrational Games

These days, the thought of Rapture being an underwater city rammed full of twisted science-types go together like Sonic and speed, but it wasn't always the case. Instead, firstly because director Ken Levine's last major project was System Shock 2, Bioshock was to be set on another space station.

This was then ditched and a 'tribal island' was suggested instead; one where stealth would be essential in the face of violent natives. Very Far Cry 3.

Following that, the underwater setting was chosen but with the caveat that it would be filled with long-dormant Nazis, and finally the notion of a utopia-gone-sour gave the art department the biggest surge of energy yet.

Rapture was conceptualised, as were plasmids, Andrew Ryan and the whole idea of exploring a dilapidated version of a once-great city became the central narrative thrust.

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