12 Most Disturbing Gaming Boss Battles Of All Time

2. The Sorrow - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

The One Reborn Bloodborne

The Metal Gear Solid series doesn’t really delve into horror at all. This next battle, then, isn’t against a towering demon or other horrifying creature. In a way, it’s much more disturbing than that.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater’s The Sorrow brings us one of the most affecting boss battles in the series. It’s not really a conventional ‘battle’ at all, seeing Snake gradually wade his way towards his quarry through water. This can be a very long or very short journey, depending on your passage through the game up to this point: along the way, Snake will pass the spirits of everybody he’s killed so far that playthrough.

Every guard is included, meaning that trigger-happy players have quite a ride ahead of them.

The Sorrow, his abilities and his boss battle are shudderingly creepy, even more so than some of the more standard monsters found elsewhere on this list.


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