12 Most Hotly-Anticipated Video Games Of Summer 2017 - Ranked

4. Splatoon 2

Splatoon 2

Only Nintendo could approach the idea of a third-person online shooter and make it all about a number of half-squid individuals covering each other in buckets of paint.

Better yet, Splatoon has an ace mechanic where, as each team slowly paints over the respective world geometry, they receive bonuses whilst the opposition slows down, no longer being able to hide. Your playable Inklings are also capable of swimming through your own teams' colour, allowing players to pull off flanking attacks and stealth-based surprises.

Little is known about which new features will make Splatoon 2 a worthwhile sequel rather than a 'Deluxe' edition a la Mario Kart, but we do know you'll be able to play instant local multiplayer, as well as linking multiple Switches together over a LAN connection so eight players can all join in together.

All the freneticism of third-person shooters with none of the blood and all of the charm? That's Splatoon.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.