12 Pokemon Inspired By Real Historical Events

1. Spritzee

This small Fairy type Pokemon is inspired by a range of different historical events. Their Pokedex entry states that in the past royal ladies would carry a Spritzee around with them instead of using perfume. This is similar to the real life tradition of brides in the middle ages carrying a bouquet of flowers with them to try and mask the tell tale signs that they only had one bath a year.

The physical appearance of Spritzee draws inspiration from another, much darker, period of history. Despite its cute and pink appearance, the shape of Spritzee€™s beak is based on the masks worn by plague doctors during the Black Death. The masks had long, cone like beaks that were filled with scented materials that the people of the 14th century believed would prevent the doctor from contracting plague by filtering bad air.

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Recent History graduate living in Newcastle. I like to travel and experience new things, my favourite place on earth has got to be the Great Barrier Reef. To date my greatest achievements include completing the National Pokedex and mastering how to make cheesy nachos.