12 Reasons You Were Wrong About Batman: Arkham Origins

2. Worthwhile DLC

Whilst the sub-heading may feel oxymoronic to the more cynical of gamers, Arkham Origins' story DLC is very much a worthwhile investment.

Taking place but a few short weeks after the events of Origins, 'Cold, Cold Heart' centres around the origins of Mr Freeze, and takes heavy inspiration from the much beloved 'Heart of Ice' episode from Batman: The Animated Series. The DLC features a number of cinematic sequences, a highlight of which being Freeze's assault on Wayne Manor and the revelation of Victor's tragic routes in the subsequent hours following.

The 'Thermal Suite' was also a welcome addition to Batman's arsenal - allowing the Caped Crusader to traverse even the most hostile of environments, as well as providing him with thermal Batarangs and Gloves (even if the latter of which were merely a shock-gauntlet re-skin). The suit itself also looks particularly stylish, with the devs demonstrating their flair for design perfectly; all of Origins' characters look and feel spot on already, but they definitely nailed them with further iteration and flair here.

Cold, Cold Heart is one of those rare instances of DLC done very right.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.