12 Most Replayable Video Games Of 2014

1. Destiny

If you've not played Destiny and instead are judging based off the pendulum-swing of fan adoration vs. mainstream hate it's gotten since release, you should really check it out. It's such a divisive and unique title. You take a developer who perfected sci-fi shooting with the Halo series, and you mar that with Activision's money-grabbing cash-first ways, and what comes out the other end is a title that plays perfectly, yet has so much of itself stripped back to be sold later, it's potentially disgusting. Honestly though, say what you will about the total lack of story, the offensively bad voice-acting and the general lack of purpose in the game world (totally crippling flaws, totally) but that core gameplay feel of diving into a level and blasting some aliens into a few hundred small pieces? It's exquisite. That doesn't make up for Destiny's faults, not by a long shot, but it is the reason why it can appear on a list of the biggest controversies of last year and the Best Of simultaneously. It's developed a group of ludicrously loyal fans that lap up every piece of new content just for something more to play, and even for those that have raised stern middle digits at the very idea of paying for more content, no one can deny that in a game built on the very idea of replayability, Destiny's actual gameplay is better than anything else. What games have you not been able to tear yourself away from? Let us know in the comments!
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