12 Severely Underrated Sci-Fi Video Games You Need To Love

3. Gemini Rue

Occasionally when you're a small developer just wanting to tell an intricate and rewarding story, you don't need to bother with fancy whizz-bang visuals or unique game mechanics. As such, Gemini Rue feels thematically like the nearest thing to Blade Runner there's been in quite some time, with a dark sci-fi edge accompanying every movement you'll partake in as detective Azriel and captive prisoner Delta-Six. Pointing and clicking is the order of the day here, but it's the presentation of the world, the exploration of a fantastic 'missing persons-turned-something way bigger' narrative and the occasional turn-based gun battle that make it worthwhile. Created like the other indie titles on this list by essentially a single developer, Joshua Nuernberger, it remains one hell of an achievement that's best unravelled first-hand.
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