12 Severely Underrated Sci-Fi Video Games You Need To Love

2. Binary Domain

Thankfully both Sony and Sega have seen sense and sought to release the phenomenal Yakuza 5 on western shores this year (at some point), but until they do, why not get stuck into another one of Yakuza Team's titles, Binary Domain? Swept swiftly under the rug thanks to some third-person shooter combat that couldn't compete with Gears of War or Resident Evil on a purely visceral level, it more than makes up for it with quirkily loveable characters and a story that deals heavily in Blade Runner/Philip K. Dick-inspired tales of what happens when androids take on and discover human traits. Kicking the doors down with one of the most intense opening cutscenes in years - establishing that certain replicant humans in this aren't even aware of their synthetic origins - it opens the story up to a whole load of The Thing-like "Are they?/Aren't they?" possibilities for analysing your own squad. In the end you will need to put up with some subpar combat in terms of what it feels like to plug an advancing minion with a shotgun shell, but when the reason behind your motivation is as strong as only this development team can put together, it's more than worth it.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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