12 Severely Underrated Sci-Fi Video Games You Need To Love

6. Dishonored

'Underrated' as a cultural term tends to just be something more people should play, as oppose to directly correlating to critical reviews at time of release - as although Dishonoured did very well at essentially being a modern take on the Thief franchise, it pretty much got buried under the landslide of unbelievable titles that was 2012. Now that the dust has settled and we've all had our fill of The Walking Dead, Mass Effect 3, Journey and Far Cry 3, it's worth revisiting Arkane's Dishonored just for the staggering amount of options you have to complete missions. As a supernatural assassin blessed with a number of abilities ranging from possession of everything from humans to animals and even instantly-transporting yourself across the landscape, alongside things like freezing time and a general sense of traversal that rewards exploration, it was the first title since Hitman: Blood Money to really make you feel like a trained killer improvising to succeed.
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