12 Severely Underrated Sci-Fi Video Games You Need To Love

7. Vanquish

Another one from Platinum Games, except this time unlike Metal Gear Rising, it's entire of their own creation. As you can look at something like Bayonetta as the hack n' slash genre on steroids, so to was Vanquish's take on third-person shooting amped up to psychotically-fast levels of enjoyment and boss-felling satisfaction. The key in-world element that'll blast you across the battlefield is an armoured suit embedded with booster-jets in multiple places. Flicking these on kicks everything into slow-motion (everything's better in slowed way down, especially gun combat), as you do everything from cartwheeling through the air to sliding along the ground and punching the living daylights out of everything in your way - all while spraying bullets in all directions. Platinum have a great sense of humour about everything too, giving you a button to take a smoke in cover if it's all getting too much - but the moment you realise tossing the cigarette to one side distracts your opposition enough to get some free hits in, it elevates the whole thing into genius territory.
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Gaming Editor

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