12 Stunning Video Game Locations You Must Visit Before You Die

1. Rapture - BioShock

Not your conventional must-visit location, Rapture has a similar kind of exploratory appeal as Chernobyl - a haunting place of morbid curiosity. Designed to encourage a new, aspirational way of living, Rapture went to hell due to simple human greed, and is now a haunting shell warning us about the dangers of unchecked individualism. But the main reason why Rapture is a must-visit location is its stunning design and architecture. The places oozes decadent deco swagger. Sharp, geometric forms, skyscrapers rising from the ocean floor, and lavish gold statues standing out against the haunting aquamarine lighting make it seem like an idealised underwater 1930s New York, but minus the slums and the squalour. There are few games that take an architectural style and so creatively reappropriate it for video games, while remaining faithful to the style's principles. Of all the cataclysmic environments in games, Rapture is the most spectacular, even eight years on from its release. Let us know your favourite video game location in the comments, and sign up for an account if you'd like to submit your own content!
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Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.