12 Stunning Video Game Locations You Must Visit Before You Die
7. Shanghai - Deus Ex: Human Revolution
When talking about which game world offers up the most realistic take on what society might look like in the not too distant future, you'd have to posit Deus Ex as a frontrunner. Ok, so we probably won't be augmented to the eyeballs with superhero-like powers by 2027, nor will the whole world look like it was submerged in a giant vat of liquid amber. But the industrial-style settings combined with high-security mechanisms and Big Brother control over the world's populace don't seem that unthinkable. Shanghai embodies Deus Ex world's state beautifully. It's a cold, clean environment, but just behind the facade is a world of poverty, conspiracies to exert ever tighter control over humanity, and all manner of political tension - be it US vs China or Augs vs Naturals. The city's not only a brilliantly designed physical space to explore, but also one brimming with intrigue and activity, in which you can learn an incredible amount about the game world.
Gamer, Researcher of strange things.
I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.