12 Things We Learned From Nintendo's Super Smash Bros Reveal

3. Bosses Will Join In The Fun During Matches

It would seem that players will have more than the fists of fellow fighters to worry about in certain stages of the Wii U Version. The yellow monstrosity pictured above is The Yellow Devil from Mega Man 2. Presumably annoyed by the noise of the fight taking place just outside of Dr Wily's factory, he's there with the goal of making everyone shut up so he can watch cartoons in peace. He can be destroyed if enough damage is dealt to him, but his only weak point is his eye. His death causes a massive explosion, which acts as an attack for the player lucky enough to have dealt the finishing blow. This opens up a lot of strategic options: do you try to damage fellow players while they're distracted by The Yellow Devil, or do you simply wait it out, let them do all of the hard work and then try to get the last hit the final second? Of course, players could also make a pact and work together in order to take him out and level the playing field, but fighting games and chivalry go together about as well as orange juice and tooth paste.

When I'm not playing games, I'm probably either writing about them somewhere or singing stupid songs inspired by them. Or eating pizza.