12 Things You Didn't Know About Fallout 3

6. A Bunch Of Monster Designs Never Made The Final Game

Fallout 76 Floater

Fallout 3 isn't exactly lacking in unique and awful monsters to fight, but Bethesda had plenty of ideas and designs during development that sadly had to be cut for the final release.

A bunch of these were different variations on the floater, a monster type which was left on the cutting room floor. These essentially would have been like a mix between Doom's cacodemons and Fallout's bloaters, being weird blobs of mutated flesh and teeth that, as their name suggests, float around the wasteland.

Oh, they'd burp toxic gas as well. Never good. In fact, always bad. Fortunately, a variation on these guys eventually showed up in Fallout 76.

Other discarded concepts included a Catfish Mirelurk, which would have essentially been a giant mutated catfish, and a variation on Wanamingos, which appeared first in Fallout 2.

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Fallout 3
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3