12 Things You Didn't Know About Fallout 3

5. Liberty Prime Was Originally Pilotable

fallout 3 brotherhood enclave war

One of the biggest criticisms held against Fallout 3 is that it has a pretty terrible end to the main story. The tale of the Vault Dweller attempting to purify the water supply of the Capital Wasteland tried to climax on as epic a note as possible, with the Brotherhood of Steel launching a push to complete their goal with the aid of Liberty Prime, a huge robotic mech that could lay down fiery laser death from above.

Admittedly, it is exciting to watch unfold, but the issue is the player doesn't actually get to engage with any of the cool stuff. Hell, they don't have to do anything really, simply follow the robot's big arse while he steals all the kills and pretty much completes the level for you. Yay?

Even worse, this section was going to be far stronger - and much more interactive - initially. Originally, the player was actually going to jump into Liberty Prime itself and directly control the action, getting to live out that sweet destruction themselves.

Sadly, due to technical limitations Liberty Prime as a whole had to be massively scaled down, only featuring briefly and not being even a little bit controllable. Bummer.

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Fallout 3
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3