12 Times Movies Got Video Games Wrong
1. That Infuriating Grand Theft Auto Knock-Off - Inside Man

Spike Lee's terrifically entertaining heist thriller Inside Man features one embarrassingly bad sequence where bank robber Dalton Russell (Clive Owen) witnesses a child hostage playing a Grand Theft Auto-esque video game on his PSP.
The "game" was created by a VFX studio specifically for Spike Lee, and the result not only produced graphics rather in excess of the PSP's capabilities, but also felt like a patent mischaracterisation of what the GTA franchise actually is.
Lee later admitted that he regretted including the comically exaggerated sequence in the game, which concludes with the player stuffing a grenade inside an enemy's mouth.
But his regret stemmed not from how lazy and facile his commentary on video games came across, but because he thought that a developer might take inspiration from the sequence and include such a mechanic in a future game.
A lame, low-effort work of satire for a writer as talented as Spike Lee, this groaner of a sequence left gamers the world over seething over how the medium was being depicted in a major Hollywood movie.
And that's far more dangerous than any of the nitpick-y gaffes on this list.
What do you make of these ridiculous video game goofs in movies? Got any others to share? Shout it out in the comments!