12 Times Movies Got Video Games Wrong

1. That Infuriating Grand Theft Auto Knock-Off - Inside Man

Inside Man Game
Universal Pictures

Spike Lee's terrifically entertaining heist thriller Inside Man features one embarrassingly bad sequence where bank robber Dalton Russell (Clive Owen) witnesses a child hostage playing a Grand Theft Auto-esque video game on his PSP.

The "game" was created by a VFX studio specifically for Spike Lee, and the result not only produced graphics rather in excess of the PSP's capabilities, but also felt like a patent mischaracterisation of what the GTA franchise actually is.

Lee later admitted that he regretted including the comically exaggerated sequence in the game, which concludes with the player stuffing a grenade inside an enemy's mouth.

But his regret stemmed not from how lazy and facile his commentary on video games came across, but because he thought that a developer might take inspiration from the sequence and include such a mechanic in a future game.

A lame, low-effort work of satire for a writer as talented as Spike Lee, this groaner of a sequence left gamers the world over seething over how the medium was being depicted in a major Hollywood movie.

And that's far more dangerous than any of the nitpick-y gaffes on this list.

What do you make of these ridiculous video game goofs in movies? Got any others to share? Shout it out in the comments!


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.