12 Times Pokemon Legitimately DIED

11. Magikarp (Magikarp Jump)

Magikarp Jump is a 2017 free-to-play mobile game whereby the player trains their precious Magikarp to, well, jump. But like really, really high.

Not quite a landmark side-game in the same conversation as Snap or Mystery Dungeon, it is nonetheless a simple little game where you train everyone's favourite fish via berries and activities, and have them compete in up to thirteen different leagues of various reward. It's also armed with a charming art style and multiple colour variants of the Splash expert, such as previous unseen pink and grey, along with its shiny gold variant.

A wholesome game then! Right up until the moment your Magikarp experiences the circle of life or the fiery void.

If your Magikarp jumps too high (in a game about jumping really high), it can get snagged by a Pidgeotto and taken away (to live on a farm right?). Alternatively, you and your Magikarp can stumble upon a stray Voltorb, who will promptly use Explosion taking itself out, along with your aquatic pal (because Voltorbs gotta Voltorb).

The peak of the Voltorb encounter is the way the game explains your Pokémon's demise:

"It used Explosion!

Oh no, [Magikarp]!

Everything is turning black..."

Just to really hammer the existential dread home.

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Wish.com Jules Gill. Pretty fond of heavy music, Arsenal, video games and wrestling.