12 Upcoming Video Game Movies That Could Destroy Tomb Raider

3. Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs
United Front Games

Square Enix's rock solid open-world action-thriller is one of the better GTA clones to come down the pike in the last decade, largely thanks to its engaging combat, fully realised world and entertaining voice acting (with a cast including Emma Stone, Tom Wilkinson and Lucy Liu!).

With its strong sense of atmosphere and entertaining protagonist, Sleeping Dogs has always been a ripe candidate for a movie. Last year the film was finally confirmed, with legendary martial artist Donnie Yen set to play protagonist Wei Shen in an adaptation from The Fast and the Furious producer Neal H. Moritz.

No word on a director yet, but in terms of video games that can be sensibly adapted into lower-budget movies without the need for heaps of excessive CGI, there's actually a pretty good chance this one succeeds. Can we hire Justin Lin already, please?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.