12 Upcoming Video Games That Will Probably Be Delayed

5. Final Fantasy XV

The Buzz: Square Enix's latest entry into the mammoth Final Fantasy franchise after gamers have had to suffer through three terrible XIII games and the infamous online flop Final Fantasy XIV. With gorgeous next-gen (or now current gen) graphics, a huge world and freaking dinosaurs, there's a lot to be intrigued by, even if the characters still look like lame anime bait. Current Release Date: TBA Why It Will Be Delayed: Though FFXV doesn't even have a vague release date yet, the wide expectation is that it will drop sometime in 2015, but it's not really a Square Enix game if it's not being delayed again and again, is it? With the recent departure of the game's lead programmer in August, the game has already been delayed once, and even after a release date is eventually set, expect Square Enix to push it back at least once or twice. Basically, don't expect it until around mid-2016, and you'll save yourself a lot of upset.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.