12 Video Game Genres That Desperately Need A Comeback

11. Rhythm Games

The Genre: Whether you're dancing on a DDR mat, strumming away on a plastic Guitar Hero guitar or simply using a controller or keyboard, the genre has proved intermittently popular over the years. It clearly reached its apex with the immense success of the Guitar Hero series from 2005-2010, becoming an overnight pop-culture phenomenon. What Happened: While the hardcore faithful of these franchises are still playing, mass-marketed rhythm games were a bubble that violently burst when casual gamers became fatigued with the lack of innovation in later entries. Guitar Hero and Rock Band died out, and the genre has pretty much been relegated to indie games like Kickbeat, along with flash titles. Why It Needs A Comeback: Millions of dollars worth of plastic guitars sit in storage unused, and it's pretty damn sad. Plus, five years without a new, fully-fledged Guitar Hero or Rock Band game has given a lot of people the itch again. Just this week, Harmonix confirmed that a new Rock Band game was in development for PS4 and Xbox One, so as long as gamers don't need to shell out for yet more peripherals, they could have a winner on their hands, which would no doubt also see the resurrection of Guitar Hero in due course.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.