12 Video Game Genres That Desperately Need A Comeback

5. (Proper) Survival Horror

The Genre: Remember the first time you played the original Resident Evil and a dog dove through that mansion window? That is the exact moment at which survival horror was born in the hearts of millions, for while its origins came at least a decade before, it was after this game's release that the term "survival horror" was actually coined. What followed were numerous successful sequels in the same vein, and of course, the even more disturbing and creepy Silent Hill series. Other successful entries include the first Dino Crisis, the Fatal Frame/Project Zero franchise, and of course, Alone in the Dark. What Happened: Much like the stealth genre, the genre was compromised by a desire to cater to a wider user-base as gaming as a whole became more popular. After Resident Evil 4 reinvented the franchise with overhauled gameplay mechanics, the fifth and sixth games completely diluted the survival horror element, focusing more on action to disappointing effect. Similarly, Silent Hill lost its footing with its fourth game, toning down the psychological terror in favour of more combat, and has never really recovered (though the upcoming Silent Hills looks very promising indeed). Why It Needs A Comeback: Because fans of the genre miss having the living bajesus scared out of them. Though indie titles like Amnesia and Outlast are still carrying the torch, hopefully Silent Hills will be the big-budget survival horror game to bring the genre back for a second golden age. Call of Duty effortlessly manages an adrenaline rush with its breathless combat, but to drill true fear into a gamer is much more difficult, and when it happens, it's something else entirely...
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.