12 Video Game Villains Who Lost To Complete Idiots

11. Ultimecia (Final Fantasy 8)

Ultimecia's grand schemes don't really make much sense. As an all-powerful sorceress from the future, she wants to compress and absorb all of time and space to become a living god. Then again, who hasn't woken up one day and craved that? In order to achieve this, she sends her consciousness back in time to the present day to control other sorceresses to trigger the time compression. It's a shame then that she didn't plan ahead for the arrival of Squall and his motley crew of SeeDs, starring characters like Irvine; the sniper who's afraid of shooting people or Selphie; the ultra cute teen who sings songs about how much she loves trains. Let's not forget Zell either; the chicken-wuss brawler who isn't afraid to punch anyone with his bare fists. How did Ultimecia lose to these guys again?
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.