12 Video Games You Presumed Were Massive Flops (That Really Weren't)

10. Mario & Sonic At The London 2012 Olympic Games

2007's Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games was a tolerable sports spin-off that sold extremely well, shifting over 10 million units across the Wii and DS versions, and ensuring that a series of these games would come our way until we couldn't stomach them anymore. The first majorly unnecessary entry was 2012's Mario & Sonic At The London 2012 Olympic Games, which was essentially the same game as before, except with a few extra flourishes and a London-based aesthetic. Despite being one of the most superfluous games released in recent years, it was a considerable hit, having sold close to 5 million units to date across the Wii and 3DS. It may be only around half that of the previous game, but it's not half bad for a title that's essentially a cheap re-skin of a prior success. It's easy to assume a game like this just wouldn't do any business, but such is the power of Mario and his doggedly devoted fanbase.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.