12 Video Games You Presumed Were Massive Flops (That Really Weren't)

9. Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing

Big Rigs is a game you've most likely heard of because of its infamous reputation, that it's one of the worst video games ever made, and rightly so. The game has pretty modest ambitions from the outset, given that your only goal is to drive a big rig around, but it can't even do that properly: there are countless problems with physics, an abundance of bugs, and as you can see above, they can't even get the congratulatory screen right. It's a recipe for a full-on gaming bomb, right? Wrong. Well, sort of. When a game garners one of the lowest Metacritic scores ever (a whopping 8/100), it's a pretty safe bet that your game is dead in the water. Now, Big Rigs absolutely didn't sell like a blockbuster title, but it has been confirmed to have sold over 20,000 units, which when your game plays like it was whipped up over a drunken night in, really isn't all that bad. The game can't have cost much to make, and so it's entirely possible the game actually...made money. As for who the 20,000 people are who bought the game? That's a tough one, though it's fair to believe that many bought the game out of morbid curiosity or for irony's sake after hearing all the bad things. For a game that really didn't deserve to sell a single copy, well done indeed.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.