12 Video Games You Presumed Were Massive Flops (That Really Weren't)

5. Resident Evil 6

The Resident Evil series similarly had an extremely healthy period of growth for a number of years, right up to the release of the fifth main title, which sold roughly 6.5 million units across PS3 and Xbox 360, making it the highest-selling entry into the series. Expectations were high for the sixth game, which no doubt suffered somewhat from the mixed critical reception, with the consensus being that it was the worst main entry in the series, largely due to the significant departure from suspense and tension that had been a trend in the fifth game as well. The game has sold 5.2 million units worldwide to date, making it a great seller for Capcom, though a disappointment in being down from the sales of RE5. The game's flat critical and audience reception has caused many to label it as a flop, even though it was in fact a strong seller within the context of the genre, the company and the series as well, if not demonstrating the growth Capcom would naturally have liked.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.