12 Video Games That Can Save Nintendo Switch

7. Monster Hunter 5

Timesplitters nintendo switch

Why It Can Save The Switch: It's been five years since we've had a core Monster Hunter game on a home Nintendo console, and fans are more than overdue.

Plus, after Monster Hunter 3 allowed players to transfer saves between the 3DS and Wii U versions of the game, the infrastructure and mindset is already there for a game played both at home and on-the-go.

It goes without saying that the prospect of having a bunch of buddies playing together locally on their own Switch gamepads is insanely awesome, and it's just up to Nintendo to make the joy actually happen.

How Likely Is It?: It makes a lot of sense, though with Monster Hunter XX hitting the 3DS in March, it might be a little longer before another entry into the series is announced. Give it a year or two, but it'll almost certainly happen eventually. 8/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.