12 Worst Video Game Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

2. Watch Dogs Being Downgraded Immensely

If you really want to find a point of origin for a lot of this negativity that continues to fester around the current gen, fingers can be pointed directly at Ubisoft, and their terrible rollout of Watch Dogs. First proclaimed as the embodiment of Ubi's now-ditched tagline of "Next gen starts here", Watch Dogs was essentially set to replace Assassin's Creed as their yearly open-world title of choice, modernising gameplay with a host of gadgets, tech-based abilities, impeccable graphics and a Dark Souls-style 'drop in, drop out' multiplayer. Thing is, at launch the version we fired up on our systems looked absolutely nothing like the one we'd been shown previously - and it wasn't. Ubisoft admitted they'd had to turn down the rendering capabilities of the game to get it running more smoothly on consoles, a trick that took modders all but five minutes to reverse on PC. To this day if you play on PC can you can return Watch Dogs to the state it was always intended to be in, but the resulting poop-storm only served to ensure the very mention of 'Watch Dogs 2' is enough to make gamers snarl and flip the middle finger in response, rather than embrace the possibility of Ubi turning it around.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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