12 Worst Video Game Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

9. Destiny's Taken King Being Everything It Should've Been At Launch

Destiny's existence as this half-game, half-slot machine is fine. It's fine enough... providing you know that going in, and know what to expect. What's most definitely not fine, is hyping up your game to have this amazing story, incredible variety of weapons and characters - even showing cutscenes to illustrate as such - and then releasing something that's a bare husk of a product instead. We now know thanks to a very in-depth writeup from Kotaku about the game's development that the whole project was reworked about halfway through 2013, so Bungie, don't then come out with all the content you first advertised, make all sorts of fixes and awesome tweaks - and charge fans another $60 for it. At the end of the day, the original (now called) 'vanilla Destiny' is completely pointless, and whether those who are still playing will admit it or not, Bungie and Activision treated the whole lot of them as walking cash machines. Oh, and there are micro-transactions in the game, for dance emotes. In something that already cost $500 million to make. It's absurd.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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