12 Worst Video Games Of 2022

1. Postal 4: No Regerts

Babylon's Fall
Running With Scissors

Postal is one of the few gaming franchises that started rubbish and somehow, kept getting worse. (It's like the modern version of Bubsy.) After Postal III received a pitiful MetaCritic score of 24%, Running with Scissors knew they had to step up to ensure the fourth outing was even worse.

Against all odds, the creators achieved the impossible and managed to make Postal 4: No Regerts the absolute bottom of the barrel. Each level feels like they were put together by a child, who just filled them with random items and obscenity-spouting NPCs, without give the gameplay any structure.

The edgy humour is pathetically dated, the bugs are never-ending, the AI is broken, and the constant crashes make this pointless follow-up nearly impossible to complete. (But it gives you a really good reason to stop playing it.)

Postal 4 isn't just the worst game in the series or of the year - this first-person shooter is crap incarnate. In terms of pure awfulness, this sequel is the gaming version of The Room, Battlefield Earth, and the final season of Game of Thrones blended together.

Simply put, never play Postal 4, not even out of morbid curiosity.

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