13 Best Star Wars Video Games Of All Time

10. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Star Wars Jedi Knight Ii Jedi Outcast

It's easy to forget just how anticipated The Force Unleashed was in the run up to its release. Casting players as Darth Vader's secret apprentice and set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, the game was pitched at the time as a true canonical sequel that would connect the prequel trilogy to the original movies.

While the story never quite lived up to its true potential however, the core gameplay more than made up for any narrative shortcomings. Giving players access to abilities from both sides of the Force, the game absolutely nailed the rush of being a super-powered Jedi.

Unfortunately, while the core gameplay was solid, there wasn't enough variety to sustain a player's interest for a full eight hours. Missions were repeated so much that once-epic sequences quickly became mundane after showing up for the 30th time, ruining the euphoric high that came with tearing through stormtroopers or force choking them to death.

Still, despite its shortcomings The Force Unleashed deserves a spot on this list regardless for having one of the best video game openings of all time, finally allowing players to control Darth Vader in all of his force-powered glory.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3