13 Greatest Dying Words From Video Game Characters

3. Cortana (Halo 4)

The line: "We were supposed to help each other, and we did. Welcome home, John" Over to one of the most beloved and helpful characters in gaming history, and one that many fans of the Halo series may not even be aware actually died in Halo 4. Why is this? Because after a trilogy of games and two spin-off titles in the form of Halo: ODST and Halo: Reach, most of us were all but burned out on the franchise. And that's not to mention the fact that aside from a "He's still alive!" teaser from the end of part three, the 'Master Chief trilogy' felt like it had wrapped up nicely. That was of course, until new developer 343 Industries took the reins and - most likely with Microsoft's 'help' - were forced into making another main instalment in the series. Well, how to you make sure this iteration has something people will talk about regardless of placement? Kill off a major character of course. And so, we got pretty touching and fitting end to Cortana's time with the Chief after she saves him from an explosion, but which in the process still sadly terminates herself. It's a very moving scene with a great score underneath - it's just a shame it wasn't part of the original trilogy.
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