13 Greatest Dying Words From Video Game Characters

4. Tess (The Last Of Us)

The line: "Come on, make this easy for me. No, just go. Just f*cking go!" Tess is one of the biggest hardasses in recent memory. Being that the game starts out showing that main character Joel is maybe not the best of fathers - but still a man who knows how to take care of himself - he's then put in almost a secondary role to Tess, who it's revealed has beaten and escaped from two men even before her first words. She also appears to be the very reason Joel has survived for so long following the death of his daughter, and when we visit her old gang's headquarters they respond in a way that shows a level of respect for her that's not shown for Joel. It's because of all of this that it comes as something of a shock when Tess is revealed to have been bitten by one of the infected, thereby choosing to stay behind to distract some pursuing enemies so both Joel and Ellie can get away. The fact that we never find out what the relationship was between Tess and Joel just adds further weight to what they may or may not be leaving behind, but judging by Joel's attempts to save her and the look of shock on his face; it was a meaningful one.
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