13 Greatest Dying Words From Video Game Characters

9. Liquid Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid 4)

The line: "You're pretty good" Metal Gear and Final Fantasy go hand in hand in terms of which title can 'out-epic' the other when it comes to creating memorable scene after memorable scene. With both series' making sure to shine the spotlight on every main character just as much as the ancillary ones and any number of people who walk into particular scenes along the way, it's hard to pick only one or two that stand out. This scene though - where Liquid Ocelot reveals he's actually not possessed by Liquid Snake's arm - is one of the best due to many reasons on many different levels. First off we have the death of the major antagonist from the entire series, albeit he's become a hybrid of Liquid and Ocelot, but it didn't stop that final fight from being incredible. Second, the general reception around Metal Gear Solid 3 is that it's one of the best games of all time, with a story that can still leave any who have not experienced it yet speechless. That being said, a pretty ridiculous (but also kinda cool) hand gesture was in that game from a young Ocelot, which is the motion carried through to the end of MGS4 so that the same character can prove he's still himself after all the brain-washing plot revelations have dissipated.
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