13 Greatest Dying Words From Video Game Characters

8. Dom Santiago (Gears Of War 3)

The line: "Never thought it would end like this, huh Maria?" Bet when you started out playing a series of games where the signature weapon is a machine gun with an under-mounted chainsaw, you didn't think you'd be going all teary eyed, right? Yeah, us too, as developer Epic Games actually produced one of the most touching moments in any action game in Gears of War 2. We see Dom finally find his captured wife after she's been held hostage for so long - except she's actually been dead a very long time. The reason for the confusion being that Dom is so happy and relieved to see her first time around that it takes a few seconds for the reality of her state to kick in. Following that, in Gears 3 we always had a lingering sense that he had nothing left to live for, so come the point in the story where the team are completely pinned down he decides to pilot a tanker full of explosives straight into the heart of the enemy, buying everyone the time they need. It's a great scene, and includes a callback to Gary Jules' Madworld - the song that was played in the original Gears of War teasers back in 2006 as the score underneath all the destruction.
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