13 Infamous Mis-Steps That Ruined Iconic Gaming Characters

2. Knuckles Chaotix Lacked Sonic

Sonic is Sega's answer to Super Mario and just like the Super Mario franchise, the Sonic series of games have had its fair share of spin offs and breakout stars... well it's had its spin offs anyway. Yes, unfortunately for Sonic Team they've not had the same success that Nintendo has had with the likes of Yoshi, and Wario starring in their own games. They doesn't mean they haven't tried. Sonic and Knuckles was effectively Sonic 4. It's name came from the joint star billing of Sonic along with Knuckles, a character who had debuted in Sonic 3 as Sonic's rival. Knuckles came into gamer's lives as the red alternative to Sonic who had even more attitude and better moves, and for a brief moment you could almost believe that Knuckles could outshine the blue blur himself. But then it all went wrong. Knuckles Chaotix was Sega's one and only attempt to send Knuckles into the spotlight without Sonic, and they put it out on the Mega Drive 32X. The 32X was a 32-bit add on for the Mega Drive and one of Sega's strangest business moves which only proved to cause mistrust towards Sega from consumers. The add on was barely supported and quickly phased out, and Knuckles Chaotix was just about the only notable exclusive the system produced. Even then, the game isn't quite all it seems. Knuckles Chaotix began life as 'Sonic Crackers' for the Mega Drive. A game which would see Sonic and Tails tethered together. Somewhere throughout development Sega decided the game wasn't working as well as they would have liked and so elected not to put the Sonic name to it. So what it meant is that Knuckles sole solo effort was a game that wasn't deemed good enough to be a Sonic game, and released on a system deemed not good enough to be supported by Sega. The poor echidna didn't stand a chance.

Hello! My name is David Pustansky. As well as writing for this site, I'm also an actor, presenter, writer, director and artist. So basically I love creative things where there's a story to be told. I run my own theatre company, The ImProDigies. Be sure to check our shows out. As I'm sure you'll see from my articles I often look into things with a unique and quirky perspective and have a strange attention to sometimes strange details. Enjoy!