13 More Hardest Xbox One Achievements Of 2017

10. The Final Chapter - Friday The 13th: The Game

Call of Duty: WWII Zombie
Gun Media

It's hard to imagine that one of the hardest achievements in Friday the 13th: The Game actually requires almost no skill at all.

The Final Chapter achievement tasks you with completing 1000 matches as Jason. Yes, that's three zeroes behind that one.

At the absolute quickest, you can only do about 24 matches per hour. Assuming you manage to play as Jason in all 24 of those astoundingly quick matches, it would take you just under 42 hours to earn this. That's the best case scenario, which is the least realistic scenario as well. Instead, you're probably looking at around 100 hours or more to snag 1000 full matches as Jason.

The kicker, there's been reports from those who have earned this achievement that it actually breaks the game and makes it unplayable. They've said that loading into a game after unlocking and playing the objective crashes the game instantly. Apparently if you've played 1000 matches as Jason you've seen all there is to see and there's no reason for the game to work anymore. Have to feel bad for that 0.01% of the community that put the time into this achievement only to break the game.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.