13 More Hardest Xbox One Achievements Of 2017

9. Let There Be Light - Final Fantasy XV

Call of Duty: WWII Zombie
Square Enix

Final Fantasy XV was released at the end of 2016, but Comrades, a recent DLC brought with it fresh content and fresh achievements.

Let There Be Light wants you to amass an output of 999,999 kW. That's going to sound like absolute gibberish to anyone who doesn't play Final Fantasy, but kW is power as in electricity. Simple enough.

The Comrades DLC centers around players collection meteor shards to power up power stations along the countryside. The more power you're sending out, the higher your kW output.

This achievement is a grind, and one hell of a boring one at that. It's going to require you power up everything on the map, and then continue to grind some more. Some math heads crunched the numbers on achievement forums and found out that at the minimum it'll take you close to 20 hours of straight grinding the same mission over and over to earn this achievement. Of that time, you spend 3 hours actually playing, meaning that majority of the time spent grinding out this achievement will actually be spent staring at loading screens.

This achievement isn't so hard as much as it's a test of your will. Will you spend 15 hours staring at a loading screen just to earn an achievement? Shockingly, 0.04% of people who played Final Fantasy XV put themselves through this torture.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.