13 Outdated PS1 Character Models That Used To Be Sexy As Hell

11. Sniper Wolf - Metal Gear Solid

playstation ps1 female characters

Although 3D graphics didn't start to resemble actual human beings until the early 2000s, it didn't stop legendary game director Hideo Kojima from using the camera of the original Metal Gear Solid in a way that emphasised the sexuality of his female characters.

And when it came to one of the game's bosses, Sniper Wolf, she's introduced with a number of panning shots covering her blocky, rectangular limbs, setting her up as some antagonistic femme fatale.

Kojima and his team even decided they wanted a shot that zoomed directly down the character's cleavage, despite there being nothing to see other than a mesh of blurry pixels.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3