13 Reasons 2019's Biggest Video Games Might Suck

4. The Zombie Genre Is Wildly Over-Saturated - Days Gone

Days Gone

Why It Might Suck: The PS4's exclusives output has been on fire as of late, but it's tough to be much enthusiastic about this open-world zombie shooter from SIE Bend Studio, who haven't released a firmly-acclaimed AAA game since 2000's Syphon Filter 2.

From the extensive gameplay shown off, Days Gone doesn't seem like much more than your typical open-world survival game, and numerous press previews from this year's E3 point to a game that's sorely in need of polishing and refinement.

More than anything there appears to be precious little personality to the characters or the world, which would be fatal flaws in a game which wants you to invest dozens of hours exploring it.

Why It Might Not: A lot can happen by the time Days Gone releases in late-April, namely that the technical jank can be cleaned up almost a year removed from those divisive press previews. As for the actual fun factor? That's a little tougher to re-jig once the spine of the experience has been set in place.

It is absolutely a "wait for reviews" game, and even if it's hard to imagine Days Gone scoring raves, it could potentially be hammered into shape and land a respectable 75-80 Metascore.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.