13 Reasons 2019's Biggest Video Games Might Suck

5. The Closed Beta Was Terrible - Trials Rising

Trials Rising

Why It Might Suck: As brilliant as the previous Trials games have been, the closed beta for Trial Rising, uh, didn't go so well. In addition to the surprisingly juddery framerate and repulsive user interface, fans were outraged by the discovery that the final game will feature loot boxes.

With barely two months to go until Trials Rising hits stores, it's not a good look, and for many fans the game has no doubt gone from a day-one purchase to waiting for a sale.

If Ubisoft can't sort the technical issues or resolve the PR kerfuffle surrounding loot boxes, fans at least won't have to wait too long for said sale.

Why It Might Not: The beta took place back in September, so it's not totally outside the realm of possibility that the performance issues could be ironed out by February, and at least the microtransactions are said to be purely cosmetic (for now, anyway).

Given the infuriatingly addictive consistency of the previous games in the series, the odds seem in its favour to succeed, which will only make it all the more crushing if Ubisoft can't fix these nagging issues in time.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.