Hands up, who still has a copy of the original Flappy Bird? Not the likes of Splashy Fish, Flappy Bees or the awfully-named Happy Poo Flap (just... what?), we're talking the original version that was so incredibly popular it caused creator Dong Nguyen to pull it, due to his opinion that people were becoming too obsessed with his simple creation. Judging by the fact that at the height of its success ol' Flappy was raking in $50,000 a day we'd say yes, that is a little crazy, especially for a game where literally all you do is traverse a never-ending series of gapped-pipes, either getting through them or restarting all over again. Nguyen has since stated that Flappy will eventually make a return to app stores around the world in addition to the Amazon Fire TV-only Flappy Birds Family, but in the meantime his latest human experiment on how much self-harm we're willing to subject ourselves to is Swing Copters. Essentially a vertical version of Flappy Bird, the only difference is more annoying momentum swings to ensure even more restarts. There's a whole load of terribly programmed mobile titles we could include in this list, but for the most part they're barely classifiable as games other than glorified slot machines. Flappy managed to launch and become something of a defining hallmark of the year due to his total domination of social media for almost an entire month, so it definitely deserves a spot at least somewhere on a list like this.