13 Things That Could Completely Ruin Upcoming Video Games

12. Another Terrible Quantic Dream Plot Twist - Detroit: Become Human

Detroit Become Human

As technically innovative as David Cage's games are, the guy just can't help himself when it comes to sticking the landing.

Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls all went wildly off the rails in their climactic moments, and so while Quantic Dream's new game certainly looks intriguing, it's sensible to keep your expectations firmly in check.

Expect a barmy, game-derailing ending that once again leaves players enormously frustrated with Cage's duality of genius and idiocy.

How Likely Is It?: History doesn't lie, and Cage has a habit of repeating this mistake, so there's not much reason to expect him to do otherwise here. It'd be nice to see him learn his lessons, or even just serve up a slightly less-irritating plot twist, but that's probably being too optimistic. 7/10

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.