13 Things We Learned At The Video Game Awards 2015

2. Star Citizen Continues To Dominate Everything

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8_NqLgZHEo Following Star Wars, 2016's gaming scene is set to continue to the intergalactic battle for your wallet, as not only are No Man's Sky and Elite Dangerous going to be fighting it out head-to-head, but Star Citizen is entering the ring with a knockout punch primed and ready to fly. Kickstarted into being through $100 million, it's set to combine flight sim controls with meaty first-person shooting and MMO-based progression, leading one hell of a tasty recipe, should developers Cloud Imperium Games be able to pull it off. Take a look for yourself - it might be time to invest in that all-powerful gaming PC you've been pondering on.
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