13 Unconfirmed (But 100% Happening) Upcoming Video Games

11. Watch Dogs 3

watch dogs 2

Love it, hate it or fall somewhere in the middle, Watch Dogs was one of the most anticipated and best-selling games of 2014, guaranteeing production of a sequel, which ultimately released in late 2016.

Despite its less-serious tone and more enjoyable gameplay, Watch Dogs 2 fell short of sales expectations, though Ubisoft insisted they were still pleased with the game's commercial performance.

We all know how Ubisoft keeps their franchises reliably pumping out new titles, which combined with the company's recent hints about the game's existence, make it a virtual guarantee it's already far along in development.

Predicted Release Date: The original game released in May 2014 and the sequel in November 2016, so a mid-2019 release feels right timing-wise, especially as it'd return to the more lucrative release window of the first game.

Expect Watch Dogs 3 to be announced near the end of the year for a May 2019 release. Considering that the month is totally uncontested at present, the sooner Ubisoft stakes out their ground the better.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.