13 Unconfirmed (But 100% Happening) Upcoming Video Games

10. Rocksteady's New DC Game

Superman Rocksteady

It's perhaps the worst-kept secret in gaming right now that Batman: Arkham developers Rocksteady are currently working on their latest DC-themed video game, which has been extensively rumoured to be a Superman title.

Surprisingly the project, whatever it ends up being, no-showed E3 this year, and the disappointment was rife enough online that the company issued a statement, promising they'd reveal their next project as soon as they're ready.

Sure, there's an infinitesimal chance Rocksteady comes out of left-field with a non-DC project, but given the success of their Batman games, why the hell wouldn't it be another DC title?

Predicted Release Date: This is a tough one, if only because Rocksteady's last AAA game was Arkham Knight back in 2015, which despite the new game's absence at E3, likely suggests it's incredibly deep in development.

Rocksteady also doesn't stick to a particular release window, with the Arkham games releasing in August, October and June respectively, so it's really anyone's guess.

2019 seems realistic, though, with the game perhaps being announced at the end of this year for a September 2019 release. If September's good enough for Spider-Man, it's definitely good enough for the Man of Steel (assuming those rumours are correct, anyway).

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.