13 Upcoming PS4 Exclusive Games You Must Consider

5. Bravo Team (PSVR)

Bravo Team
Supermassive Games

Bravo Team is yet another effort from Supermassive Games, a VR cover-based shooter that supports the PSVR's superb Aim controller.

Supporting both single-player and two-player online co-op, the game sees players firing their way through numerous levels of an Eastern European warzone when a routine escort mission goes wrong.

Though it doesn't offer the full locomotion many players were initially expecting and there's seemingly no competitive multiplayer, Bravo Team does nevertheless look like it'll ably fill the Time Crisis niche with its fast, frantic cover shooter gameplay.

Plus, Supermassive has promised that the entire campaign will be free of loading screens in order to deliver the maximum level of immersion possible. Hopefully that doesn't also mean the game's only 45 minutes long...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.