13 Video Game DLCs Everyone Would Pay For

11. Every Single Problem Fixed - Destiny

Given that gamers have already spent £45 to enjoy Destiny, it follows that they shouldn't be having to fork over any more cash to actually make the game great. The rather disappointing end-game has already had players dropping off in droves, and that's without even mentioning the numerous bigger issues with the game, be it the boring story, repetitive missions, awful loot drops, disappointingly small universe, lack of raid matchmaking and so on. That said, if Bungie could fix all of these glaring issues, it's got to the point where a lot of gamers would be willing to pay a small fee, because in its current state, the game is a colossal let-down. While DLC is on the way that will presumably expand the story and raise the level cap, many would prefer Bungie to spend time reworking the infrastructure of the game, such that each mission on a planet doesn't just start in the same environment, and the game actually feels like it has some substance to it that justifies its $500 million production cost. Still, the cost of rejigging the game so significantly would be major, and more than any reasonable DLC charge would cost, so don't count on it happening. Just wait for Destiny 2, which should be along in like 10 years, right? How Likely Is It?: 1/10

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.