13 Video Game DLCs Everyone Would Pay For

10. Zombie Mode - Grand Theft Auto V

While gamers are still patiently waiting for heists to hit GTA Online over a year after they were initially expected to arrive, rumours began to fly in early August that GTA V would soon enough be getting a zombie mode DLC, after the words "dead" and "SPZOMBIES" were found in the game's code. Almost 3 months later, it seems like this is wishful thinking, though given how slowly Rockstar work, who knows? Whether it happens or not (and given that Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare shows that Rockstar can pull it off), it'd certainly make for a DLC that most GTA fans would actually be willing to pay for. Can you imagine it? By bringing up your phone and selecting "zombies", Los Santos is suddenly transformed into a post-apocalyptic wasteland: civilians are driving like maniacs, buildings are exploding in the background, and the undead haunt every street corner, eager to eat your brains. Take this one step further and employ an online mode and it just might be enough to make players forget about heists. Maybe, but probably not. How Likely Is It?: 5/10

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.