13 Video Game DLCs Everyone Would Pay For

8. Orc Mode - Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor

Monolith's Shadow of Mordor is, in a year with so many gaming disappointments, a title that arrived with modest expectations and completely blew them out of the water. Boasting a mash-up of Assassin's Creed-style missions, Arkham Asylum-style combat and its own unique Nemesis system, Mordor is easily one of the best Lord of the Rings-themed titles to date, and will hopefully get the sequel it clearly deserves. That said, one DLC gamers would absolutely love to see is the ability to reverse roles and play as an Orc. After all, the beautifully-rendered enemies in this game look infinitely more bada** than the hero Talion, and to be able to work your way up the Orc ranks using expanded Nemesis mechanics would be an insane amount of fun. It'd be easy to see a mode like this being so popular that, for the sequel, Monolith would have to include separate campaigns for the heroes and Orcs. How Likely Is It?: 4/10

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.